Findings Beyond Science & Research
The scientific workflow can be applied successfully outside the realm of research. With Findings as your guide, why not give it a try for your everyday experimentations and your personal projects?
PDF Export and Print
Findings makes it very easy to share your experiments and protocols with anyone, even those who don’t use Findings, thanks to the flexibility and power of the PDF export functionality. Your lab notebook has never looked so neat!
Sharing and Collaborating with Findings
Starting with Findings 1.3, it is incredibly easy to share exactly what you want, when you want it, with who you want. The new archive format allows multiple users to collaborate on a document and send each other the latest changes.
Using File Attachments in Findings
Using attachments in Findings is so simple that it is easy to miss how powerful and flexible the feature really is. In this post, I’ll give you all the information you need to become a Findings wizard and make your lab work easier and more enjoyable.
Your Data is Yours
Your data and your lab notebook are your most precious possession. But do you know exactly where all your data is? Can you access it and read it at any time, from anywhere? Findings has very clear answers to those very basic questions.
Findings for Everyone, Forever
We want to make it easy for everyone to start using Findings. To make that happen and expand the impact of Findings, we are very excited to introduce Findings Basic and Findings Pro!
What Is an Experiment?
The word "experiment" has somewhat different meanings for different scientists. Let's reconcile them all, and see how Findings uses the resulting concept.
Why Do You Need a Lab Notebook?
Whether you like it or not, most researchers are expected to keep a lab journal. It has many benefits, which Findings can help you reap with minimal efforts.
Year of Findings
A retrospective on Findings in 2014, and a special gift for you.
Findings Sync & Findings for iOS in Beta
We have been working hard on the next milestones.